Slavery and Human Trafficking
cosine solutions is committed to social and environmental responsibility and to the fair and humane treatment of people and animals in its employment. This statement sets out the steps that cosine has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of the business.
Organizational Structure
cosine solutions is an international software and technical consulting services business. Cosine's business operations consist primarily of office and home office based professionals, with only very limited exposure to areas with a risk of modern slavery.
It is our belief that slavery and human trafficking are abhorrent practices that will not be tolerated in our operation, and we will take such steps that are reasonable to ensure than none is present. We are committed to working ethically and with integrity and we require our business partners to do the same.
Risk Assessment
We have conducted an assessment of the risks, both external and internal, of slavery and human trafficking, including country risks, sector risks and business partnership risks within our operation and we have determined that none of our business operations are undertaken in higher risk areas.
Keeping Watch
Cosine solutions continues to monitor the risk of slavery and human trafficking in its business, and we will act and report accordingly.
This statement constitutes cosine solution's Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement and has been approved and authorized by the business owners.