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Cosine Matter Planning

Clients are demanding greater transparency, improved outcomes and lower costs.  Lacking a seamless and deep integration with underlying financial system most tools have struggled to deliver on the promise of real improvements to operational efficiency and client outcomes. Until now.

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Manage Your Portfolio

Configurable, comprehensive, and easy to use with real time 3E data at your fingertips. 

A 'cosineified' user experience that drives end user adoption, provides better access to critical information and delivers real improvements to client engagement. 

"We undertook a considerable analysis of the pricing platforms available in the market prior to making our decision. We were excited to find a tool that is simple both for end users and for the pricing team who find it 'super easy' to build out the more complex phase and task based plans they require. And because the tool is a native part of 3E we don't have to worry about data quality, which simply hasn't been a problem for deployment."

-Tina Eisner, Director of Pricing Sterne Kessler, USA.

Details Matter.

Matter plans that bring together key statistics ensure your professionals are always across the metrics on their engagements.  Real time 3E data ensures that client conversations are always well informed and not reliant on troublesome partial integrations to bolt on systems.

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 Gilbert + Tobin:
Accurately Structuring Fees with 3E
and Matter Planning from cosine.
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